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Predictions About the Town of Medjugorje

1. During World War III, Medjugorje and its church will not be spared.

During World War III (in the 2010's), just as with the other towns of Europe and all the occupied areas, the church buildings at Medjugorje will be desecrated and destroyed. God will not spare the parish church at Medjugorje, nor will he spare its people. The priests and the people will be killed, or taken captive, or driven into exile. Not every holy person will escape with their lives. The Arab forces will invade and conquer; they will be unstoppable. They will cause much destruction and many lives will be lost. And they will win the war and occupy a vast territory. Pilgrimages to Medjugorje will cease, at some point during the war, and will continue to be prohibited during the occupation (the 2020's) after the war.

The priests and people at Medjugorje are not without faults and sins. And they know that this is true, since the priests as well as the people all rightly go to confession. But the holy will suffer with the sinful. The holiest persons will not be spared from the sufferings that must overwhelm the world.

2. The Angelic Shepherd will be from Medjugorje.

The Angelic Shepherd is a holy Pope, long predicted by holy Catholics throughout the history of the Church. His reign includes some or all of the 2030's and all of the 2040's and beyond. His reign will be very long and very holy. He guides, supports, and cooperates with the great Catholic monarch, who will free the occupied territories from the Arab forces in a brief but intense fourth World War (in the 2030's). He will be able to work many true miracles through faith and prayer.

The Angelic Shepherd will be a priest from Medjugorje who later becomes Bishop and Pope. He will be a priest who has lived and taught at Medjugorje for some length of time. I do not know if he was born or raised in Medjugorje. He will have a close association with Medjugorje, not merely having visited Medjugorje many times, but he will actually have lived and taught there.

3. After Medjugorje is rebuilt, the priests and people there will be much holier than they are now.

After the wars and the sufferings, during the relative peace and holiness of the 2040's, Medjugorje will be rebuilt and will again be a place of pilgrimage and prayer and holiness. Whereas now some doubt the authenticity of the visions at Medjugorje, then all the faithful will believe. The priests and people of that time, those who visit Medjugorje and those who live there, will be holier and they will have a deeper understanding of the faith.

The women will wear head coverings at Mass and at other times of prayer. The women will dress like women, not like men; the women will wear skirts and dresses, not pants. Men and women will understand that God intends them to have different roles and behavior in the Church, the family, and society. Women will understand that they should not teach, lead, or have authority over any man or any group that includes adult men. Prayer groups, Bible study groups, and the like will not be led by a woman, unless it is a women-only group, or a group for children.

The non-ordained will not take up the roles or behaviors proper only to the ordained. And there will be many more priests and deacons in the Church to serve the many faithful. There will be no Protestantism. The one Church will be the one Catholic Church, having seven divisions within unity.

Instead of society and secular culture influencing the faithful away from God, the faithful and the Church will influence society and secular culture towards God and away from sin. Each individual will seek the particular will of God proper to that individual.

by Ronald L. Conte Jr.

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