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Christian Poetry

How grand it can be
Now that I finally know
You have always loved me

I bear the scars of a troubled past
Some are scars that can’t be seen
They are tough, sort of like a cast
That doesn’t let you breathe

I carry these scars around with me
Only I know that they are there
They don’t represent who I want to be
And it doesn’t mean I don’t care

These are scars of a particular kind
A memory I want to shed
I pray with these souls in mind
Each night before I go off to bed

They are of children I never knew
They weren’t even given a chance
Oh my God, what did I do?
It didn’t seem harmful at first glance

I pray for your divine mercy to come in
To my soul and into my heart
Without you I know I can’t win
And I’m asking for a new start

Set these souls free to fly with you
With your son Jesus and his Mother
This is what I need you to do
So that I may discover

The forgiveness you bestow
How grand it can be
Now that I finally know
You have always loved me

by francine bregio

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