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A Roman Catholic Theology Website

Books and booklets by Ronald L. Conte Jr.
Title Subject Pages
Moral theology
1) The Catechism of Catholic Ethics Moral theology 752 pages
Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
  • Roman Catholic Teaching on Cooperation with Evil
  • Moral theology 126 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook
    Also found in: The Catechism of Catholic Ethics

  • Tradition, Scripture, Magisterium
  • Dogmatic theology 130 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook
    Also found in: The Catechism of Catholic Ethics

    2) Roman Catholic Marital Sexual Ethics Moral theology 483 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    Some material in common with: The Catechism of Catholic Ethics

    3) Roman Catholic Teaching on Abortion and Contraception Moral theology 426 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    Some material in common with: The Catechism of Catholic Ethics

    4) Is Lying Always Wrong? Moral theology 94 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook

    5) Roman Catholic Teaching on Intrinsic Evil Moral theology 116 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon

    6) The Catholic Marriage Bed: Revised Edition Moral theology 380 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon

  • co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocatrix
  • Mariology 57 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook

  • Dormition, Resurrection, Assumption
  • Mariology 37 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook

  • God is One Divine Eternal Act
  • Trinity 100 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook

  • Original Sin and the Immaculate Conception
  • Mariology 92 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook

  • The Immaculate Virgin Conception of the Virgin Mary
  • Mariology 50 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook

    Biblical studies
    8) Adam and Eve versus Evolution Biblical chronology 227 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    9) Eschatological Commentary on the Apocalypse of John Biblical studies 210 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook
    10) Important Dates in the Lives of Jesus and Mary Biblical chronology 448 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    11) Noah's Flood: Literal or Figurative? Biblical chronology 301 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    12) The Writing of the Gospels and Biblical Inerrancy Biblical studies 163 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook

    13) Apocalypse Survival Guide for Christians Survival 372 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    14) The Bible and the Future: 2015 Edition Eschatology 358 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon

    15) The First Part of the Tribulation: 2015 edition Eschatology 450 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
  • The Great Catholic Monarch and the Angelic Shepherd
  • Eschatology 101 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook
    Also found in: The First Part of the Tribulation

  • The Three Days of Darkness and the Time of Peace
  • Eschatology 142 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at: Amazon
    Also found in: The First Part of the Tribulation

    16) The Second Part of the Tribulation Eschatology 618 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
  • Kingdom of the Ten Kings
  • Eschatology 94 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook
    Also found in: The Second Part of the Tribulation

    17) The Secrets of La Salette and the End Times Eschatology 144 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook
    18) The Secrets of Medjugorje and Garabandal (2015 edition) Eschatology 376 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
  • The Warning, Consolation, and Miracle
  • Eschatology 144 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at
    20) Summary of Future Events Eschatology 196 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    Salvation Theology
    21) Forgiveness and Salvation for Everyone Soteriology 510 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
  • Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and Limbo
  • Soteriology 156 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook
    Also found in: Forgiveness and Salvation for Everyone

    22) In Defense of Pope Francis ecclesiology 346 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    23) The Indefectibility of the Pope ecclesiology 120 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    23) Reply to the Papal Accusers: Volume One ecclesiology 450 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    Collected Blog Posts
    24) The Reproach of Christ - Collected Posts: 2007-2014 Catholicism >2,500 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook (not available as a printed book)
    25) The Reproach of Christ - Collected Posts: 2015-2016 Catholicism >1,000 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook (not available as a printed book)

    Translations of Church Documents
  • The Doctrines of the Council of Trent: A New Translation
  • Conciliar documents 75 pages
    Available in Kindle format at:
  • Unam Sanctam: A New Translation
  • Papal documents web page
    Newly translated from the Latin: Unam Sanctam
  • Pope Pius XII: Address to Midwives
  • Papal documents web page
    New edition with complete English text: Address to Midwives

  • Pope Pius XII Address to the Second World Council on Fertility and Sterility: Translation and Commentary
  • Papal documents booklet
    Available in Kindle format or as a free PDF file.

    Free booklets [PDF format]
  • On Speculative Theology and Eschatology
  • Theology 32 pages
    Download for free in Adobe PDF format
    Also found in: The Secrets of Medjugorje and Garabandal Revealed

  • The Immorality of Pornography
  • Moral theology 25 pages
    Download for free in Adobe PDF format
    Also found in: The Catechism of Catholic Ethics

  • The Marital Sexual Act
  • Moral theology 45 pages
    Download for free in Adobe PDF format
    Also found in: Roman Catholic Marital Sexual Ethics

  • Pope Pius XII Address to the Second World Congress on Fertility and Sterility: translation and commentary
  • Theology of the Body 33 pages
    Download for free in Adobe PDF format

    Other Topics (not theology)
    26) Hunger Math: world hunger by the numbers World Hunger 388 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon HungerMath blog
    27) Radiation Exposure Level and Effects Survival 83 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon Online Information
    28) Kindle Formatting and Publishing in Three Easy Steps Publishing 270 pages
    No longer available.
    29) Healthy Eating versus Mortality Nutrition 400 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon
    30) Actress slash Criminal: a Berry Winter novel fiction 358 pages
    Buy it: Kindle ebook | Printed book at Amazon

    23 works of theology, totaling over 7,420 pages (over 3,235,00 words)
    plus 2 collections of blog posts with over 3,500 pages (over 1,700,000 words)
    17 theology booklets, totaling over 1,200 pages (about 548,000 words)
    5 books on other topics, totaling over 1,450 pages (about 610,000 words)
    47 titles, totaling over 12,970 pages (over 6 million words)
    Plus my Bible translation below in 7 volumes with over 3000 pages (about 970,000 words)
    Grand Total: over 16,000 pages and ~7 million words

    If you live outside the U.S. and you are having difficulty obtaining my books in print, you might try ordering a book in Kindle format from You can read Kindle books on a wide range of computers, operating systems, tablets, and smart phones, using the free Kindle reader software or the free Kindle cloud reader

    The Catholic Public Domain Version, Original Edition (CPDV)
    This is my translation of the Bible, from the Pope Sixtus V and Pope Clement VIII Latin Vulgate Bible, using the Challoner revision of the Douay-Rheims Bible as a guide. This translation is entirely in the public domain. The printed volumes are paperback books, 6 x 9 inches, in easy-to-read 12 point type. This version of the Bible is translated and edited by Ronald L. Conte Jr.

    The Entire Bible in One File is available for Kindle devices at

    The Old Testament: volume 1 of 5 - The Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy )
    The Old Testament: volume 2 of 5 - The Historical Books (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, 1 & 2 Maccabees)
    The Old Testament: volume 3 of 5 - The Kingdom Books (1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles)
    The Old Testament: volume 4 of 5 - The Wisdom Books (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom, Sirach).
    The Old Testament: volume 5 of 5 - The Major and Minor Prophets

    The New Testament: volume 1 of 2 - The Gospels and the Book of Revelation
    The New Testament: volume 2 of 2 - The Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles

    The Psalms of the Sacred Bible - Just the Psalms, in a 6 x 9 paperback with easy-to-read 12 point font size.

    The Entire Bible in a single Volume is is available in paperback (8.5" x 11") for $27.50 at

    All the books of the CPDV are available online and in individual printed volumes.

    More information about this translation: version summary

    This Web site copyright by Ronald L. Conte Jr.. All my articles, poetry, books, and booklets are copyrighted with all rights reserved. However, my Bible translation (CPDV) is in the public domain.