Full-length songs in MP3 format:
(You will need Audioactive Player or MusicMatch Jukebox or another software program to play MP3 music files.)
In MP3 format (download): (click link with right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu) A beautiful song about the Virgin Mary: Bella Maria (4.3 MB) Life On Earth, The Chronicles: Book 1. Life On Earth (2.7 MB) Book 2. Christmas 1944 (Klinton Brown) (1.6 MB) Book 3. Who's Got A Better Plan? (2.7 MB) Book 4. The Jordan (1.8 MB) |
The Music of James Hooker
Bella Maria: "Most of the songs I've written during my career are played in bars...I'll own up to that, but He threw this one my way and I caught it." Life On Earth, The Chronicles: A four-part series of religious songs. Lyrics are accessible from this page. You can read a brief bio of James Hooker here. More of James Hooker's music can be heard at: www.615songs.com James Hooker can be contacted at jameshooker@615songs.com |
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