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ProLife Resources

The Prolife Picture Project  
 Pictures of healthy newborn babies, displayed to encourage birth instead of abortion

My name is Mara Herzberger and I'm working on a massive pro-life picture project. So far I'm displaying the pictures on a website. My goal is to collect 4,400 baby pictures, which is of course the average number of abortions performed daily in the US. One day I may make a book or print them in other formats (make a walking path) for pro-life events.

If you would like to contribute photos, feel free to email me your own baby pictures and pictures of your baby/ies. Please don't send me your friends' pictures. Or copyrighted pictures (taken by a professional lab or taken from a magazine, etc. unless you have their permission). I also have a snail mail address. Please send a SA/SE if you want the pictures returned:

Mara Herzberger
814 Staffordshire Rd
Cockeysville, MD 21030

Stop by often to see updates & more babies!!!

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" (Psalms 33:12a)

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