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    Thus Jesus: “Strike the shepherd, by and by
    The sheep will also scatter.”
    Yet Peter vowed: “Though all desert you, I
    Will never flee, no matter
    If I die.”

    Three times they later pricked him with the goad
    “You too were of his clan!”
    Three times the hidden face of weakness showed:
    “I do not know the man!”--
    A cock then crowed.

    Three times the Risen asked his crumbled Rock:
    “But do you love me too?”
    Three times the one with keys to Heaven's lock
    Said: “Lord, you know I do!”
    “Then feed my flock!”

    How often we've denied you, Lord, as well--
    A thousand times at least!
    But may we rise like Peter, when he fell,
    To find a love increased
    That none can quell!

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