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A voice from the window  
(dedicated to John Paul II)

It is a voice for the voiceless
It is a voice that comes from the window.

It is a dim voice yet it illuminates
It is a howling voice yet is hopeful
It is an ailing voice yet is energetic.

It is a voice for peace on the eve of war
It is a voice for sanity on the eve of lunacy
It is a voice for order on the eve of anarchy.

It is a voice for the blood of the innocent
It is a voice for the good of our village

It comes through the window
I hear it through the window.

I see people of all colours under the window
I see children in whose name he cries
I see adults to whom he cries, Peace!
I see the aged who are worried of what
Heritage they will leave behind.

It is not a voice crying in the desert but
A voice crying in the middle of a city
It is not a lone voice but
A voice of the multitude and for the multitude.

It is an old voice with a sweet melody
It is an old voice with a melody of peace, joy and justice.
It is an old voice with a melody of faith, hope and love.

It is a voice that speaks in the name of the Way
It is a voice that speaks in the name of the Truth
It is a voice that speaks in the name of the Life

It is a voice that stops warriors
It is a voice that stops warmongers
It is a voice that stops troublemakers

Oh voice
What is the source of your secret?
What is the source of your force?

Could it be anything else but love?
Could it be anything else but a passion
For the Truth, the Way and the Life?

Your voice will sound in our ears forever

People of goodwill will forever dance to
The tune of your voice
People of goodwill will forever be grateful
For paving the road of peace.

by Oppong-Febiri Thomas

[ A voice from the window | Love | Your Birthday | Peace ]

This poem is © Copyright 2003 Oppong-Febiri Thomas

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